Tenants and landlords caught up in disputes should consider Ali Lawl services to help find a resolution, Ottawa paralegal Fahad Ali tells AdvocateDaily.com.
A paralegal could offer different options and levels of service for either tenants or a landlord , says Ali, CEO of Ali Law Services. “As trained legal professionals who are regulated by the Law Society of Ontario (LSO), we are licensed to speak at the Landlord and Tenant Board.”
The Hamilton Spectator reports that the dispute involved post-secondary students who alleged they were “threatened and intimidated” after posting negative reviews about an off-campus landlord and his property and claimed they were told he would reveal their personal information online if they did not remove the “fake” comments.
The allegations included threats of lawsuits and a suggestion from the landlord that he would tell future landlords of one student that she was a terrible tenant, the newspaper reports.
If a landlord is going to assert they have suffered a financial loss because of online posts, they need evidence. You must be able to prove your damages , he says. “A paralegal can provide valuable assistance in putting together all the pieces necessary for a successful case before the Small Claims Court.”
For clients who want to represent themselves, she offers the option of a limited-scope retainer, where she would provide guidance and help with filling out forms correctly, as an example.
A self-represented person may not be able to afford a paralegal or a lawyer to represent them, or they may feel confident enough to present their case before the board , Murray says. “A paralegal can still offer guidance to both landlords and tenants to ensure their rights are protected as provided for under the Residential Tenancies Act.
The rules for each board and each tribunal tend to vary. Many people don’t realize that — especially those who represent themselves, and having a paralegal can definitely boost your chances for a successful outcome.